CILSS/AGRHYMET organised a workshop to strengthen the catalogue and digital library of good agro-ecological practices in West Africa.
The AGRHYMET regional centre organised, from 20 to 25 September 2021, in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, a workshop to capitalise on the knowledge acquired in the sub-region in terms of best agro-ecological practices to cope with the adverse effects of climate change in the Agriculture, Forestry and other Land Use sectors (AFOLU).
This workshop was held both in person and virtually, within the framework of the Intra-ACP GCCA+ AO project implemented by Expertise France in partnership with ECOWAS and CILSS. The objective thereof was to contribute to a digital catalogue currently under development by the Intra-ACP GCCA+AO.
This catalogue will compile positive agro-ecological practices and knowledge acquired in the context of the implementation of several other projects executed by ECOWAS and/or CILSS, notably the BRICKS, FERSOL, FFEM, USAID (INSAH/AFRICALEAD) projects, etc, in partnership with several other research and development institutions in the sub-region.
In his opening speech, the Director General of the AGHRYMET Regional Centre, Dr Souleymane Ouédraogo, pointed out that “All these good practices must be capitalised and made accessible through a platform that the GCCA+ project is currently developing. Thus, GCCA+ has planned to set up a digital library on low-carbon and climate-resilient agroecological good practices,” he said.
CILSS is a technical partner in the implementation of the Intra-ACP GCCA+ project, and as such, it is making available to the project, the expertise of the Regional Agrhymet Centre (CRA) and the Sahel Institute (INSAH) on climate change, in terms of data acquisition and processing, training, and Knowledge Management.
It should be noted that during the first phase of the Intra-ACP GCCA+ Programme implemented by CILSS, the project had already undertaken a study on the identification and assessment of low-carbon and climate-resilient adaptation solutions. The study was conducted in six (6) agro-ecological zones (Eastern Sahel, Central Sahel, Western Sahel, island countries, sub-humid zone, humid zone), and had identified 89 good low-carbon adaptation practices in the areas of agro-forestry, agriculture, water and soil conservation, and forestry.
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