Outreach and Visibility Activities of OACPS Organisations towards COP26
In the context of the 2nd RTM, Intra-ACP GCCA+ Programme Regional Partners informed on their respective advocacy and outreach activities in preparation for COP26. The following activities are foreseen:
- Climate Action campaign targeted to youth.
- Side Events on low carbon solutions, good practises from IGAD region and broadcast of video of impactful climate action.
- Communication and visibility activities to showcase the Earth Champions.
- Training of negotiators.
- National Consultations with Island States to include Youth Forum.
- Regional Dialogue on health and climate change.
- Youth forum on Blue economy and Climate Change.
- Regional Consultation in preparation for COP26.
- Photo competition on the impacts of climate change.
- Publication on the stories from the islands in accessing climate finance.
- Relaunch of the Climate Island resilient Partnership with SPREP and CCCCC.
- June 2021, Lomé – 1st Regional workshop for West African climate negotiators.
- September 2021, Dakar – Climate chance Summit: Training of journalists on climate issues for West Africa and climate reporting techniques.
- October 2021, Accra – 2nd Regional workshop for West African climate negotiators.
- October 2021, Accra – Adoption of the ECOWAS Regional Climate Strategy by the Council of Ministers.
- Support to NDCs.
- Placencia Ambition Forum (April 2020).
- Post COP25 Analysis Workshop (June 2020).
- Pacific SIDS Virtual Preparatory Meeting for Climate Conference Intersessional (Subsidiary Bodies meetings) (June 2021).
- UK-Pacific Climate Dialogue (July 2021).
- Pacific Voyage toward COP26: One CROP Plus.
- Setting up strategic alliances with other regions/countries.
- Use of strategic approached to channel messages.
- Leverage the role of consensus building within groups of stakeholders.