
The OACPS Secretariat hosts High-Level Dialogue with key partners in preparation for COP26

The Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States will host a virtual High-Level Dialogue on 15th September 2021 at 19h (CEST), to strengthened cooperation between OACPS Members and key strategic partners, in preparation for COP26.


As a follow up to the second Regional Technical Meeting (RTM), held on mid-July 2021, the Dialogue aims inter alia to further discuss OACPS Global and Regional priority issues for COP26, to promote effective exchange of views and perspectives on COP26 and to outline joint advocacy activities and engagement with partners.


The OACPS Resolution on Climate Action for COP 26 will be used as a basis for the discussion.

(Cliquez ici pour la version française)


The following key partners have been invited to participate in the High Level Dialogue: representatives from the members of the six regions of the OACPS,  the European Union, the Umbrella group, the Environmental Integrity Group as well as G77 and China, Least Developed Countries (LDCs) Group, AOSIS and the African group of Negotiators (AGN), IRENA and UNFCCC Secretariat.


Outcomes of the Dialogue would include the preparation of Joint Statements with key partners to ensure a coordinated approach on a range of issues and also agree on joint advocacy actions to be carried out ahead, at and beyond COP26.


The meeting will also feed input to the Special meeting of the Subcommittee on Sustainable Development, which will be convened during the week of 11th October 2021 (date TBC) to finetune OACPS preparations for COP26.


Click here for the draft concept note and the programme.


For information, please contact pendomaro@acp.int